Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Tien-Gon,Yu-Huang-Shan-Di,God of Gods

Almost every temples in Taiwan have the Tien-Gon-Lu,( 天公爐 joss stick cup) in front of main door. It is said that the Tien-Gon is the God of Gods ( GOG). When the temple is pray to Tien-Gon, mainly, then, how about the "Lu( cup)" in front of the main door?!

台灣的寺廟 大概均有"天公爐" 置於主廟門外部 以示 天公( 玉皇上帝 ) 乃萬神之神

若主祀為天公的寺廟 則此"爐" 如何稱呼?

圖為 左營元帝廟之凌霄寶殿的天公生日 暖壽盛況

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Marshall Kan and Chao, 康元帥 趙元帥

康元帥立於左側 趙元帥立於右側 皆 玄天上帝座前副將也 除此 尚有三十六官將 輔佐 ( 已 展示於前---北極亭 之頁) 右手持神器為康元帥 左手持神器 為趙元帥 兩尊皆為鎮殿原帥

Marshall Kan at left side, right hand with tool.Marshall Chao at right side,left hand with tool. They are assitants of God of Polar

Spiky-Chair, Yuan-Di Temple,Tsoying

The Spiky-Chair for Tong-Chi( a man as a representative of difinite god 乩童) is an ancient tools for religion festival to approve the God's power through human being in spite of Shark-Sword, and/or Spiky-Ball. It is rare seen now among Taiwan, the photos here to show the Spiky-Chair almost forgot by people.The Spiky-Chair almost exclusively on Taiwan.釘椅是玄天上帝展現神威時的道具 由乩童坐上之後 在慶典中 顯示神祇的力量 這樣的道具比鯊魚劍 釘球..... 更具震憾力 現在 已經少見之(也許是全台唯一吧) 是有心保護傳統的人 應該努力的標的

God of Madam Mom,Yuan-Di Temple, Tsoying

The belief of God of Madam Mom(GMM 夫人媽) is rare documented on literature. There are many gods of female in Taiwan's traditional religion such as Ma-Chu(媽祖), Guan Yin(觀音), Mdm. of Birth(註生娘娘)....etc., and the God of Madam Mom is only at Tsoying(?), exclusively. According to Prof.Liu,C-W., GMM is a female Wan-Ya, a female HM, and must call her Her Majesty,no familial name yet.Here are some of GMM's photos. The birthday is on lunar Jan. 20. It is said that the temple was belonging to GMM initially, then comes HM Chu, and lately GOP( God of Polar ). For the power of god's authority, the GMM let the GOP to be the chief god of this templeand GMM move to left side( 左青龍 the first associated god) and change the name as Yuan-Di Temple about 1666 A.D. 左營元帝廟內供奉之夫人媽 在台灣民間信仰中 是少見之神祇 根據劉枝萬先生之考證 ( 台灣民間信仰論集 聯經出版社)夫人媽之神格 約相當於女性的王爺 職司摘奸發伏 驅疫逐癘 似今日之司法官 左營元帝廟原祀夫人媽為主神 始建於公元1666年 後來 由於 北極玄天上帝奉旨為主神 因此 遷夫人媽於青龍邊(左) 以示尊重也 這樣的規格 也是傳統信仰的人情味顯現