Monday, August 27, 2007

The taoists are prayer on ChungYuanPuDu Ceremony

This is ChungYuanPuDu of Yuan-Di Temple,Tsoying,Kaohsiung,Taiwan 左營元帝廟中元普渡時 道士們的唸經 作法之段落

Sunday, August 26, 2007

20070821 元帝廟中元普渡祭典


恆例 每年農曆七月九日(即2007 08 21) 是台灣高雄 左營元帝廟 中元普渡之日

當夜 隸屬一甲 二甲之信眾 備祭品 於豐谷宮 三甲 四甲 五甲之信眾 則備祭品 於元帝廟 祭拜之 今年適逢 聖帕颱風過後 仍有細雨 (好像 常常是這樣 給中元普渡夜 有類似 孟德爾頌的"仲夏夜之夢"的感覺)

It is regular that the ceremony of ChungYuanPuDu (Mid-Lunar July Festival)
of Yuan-Di Temple, Tsoying,Kaohsiung,Taiwan is performed. This is the night at Aug. 21 2007.The taoists are main , then the people are the following. It is soon after typhoon No.8 (SEPT), the remaining rains still irrigated.However, it is a feeling like the" midsummer night" of Felix Mendelsshon's famous music.The last is the taoist spreading the foods, coins to the people means to the souls.