It is regular that the ceremony of ChungYuanPuDu (Mid-Lunar July Festival)
of Yuan-Di Temple, Tsoying,Kaohsiung,Taiwan is performed. This is the night at Aug. 21 2007.The taoists are main , then the people are the following. It is soon after typhoon No.8 (SEPT), the remaining rains still irrigated.However, it is a feeling like the" midsummer night" of Felix Mendelsshon's famous music.The last is the taoist spreading the foods, coins to the people means to the souls.
Eevery lunar March 20(as May 6 2007) is Birthday of Goddess of Giving Birth GGB.Inside the Chen-Huang Temple, there are many ceremonies performed. In Taiwan, the believe of GGB is more popular than Matsu, and almost every temples are performing GGB as regular god. The Chen-Huang Temples around Taiwan are more prominent, so is the Tsoying's. 農曆三月二十日是註生娘娘的壽辰 左營的舊城城隍廟也有各式各樣的慶祝活動 分出各地的分身也多有回鑾
The miracle of "stand cup" is noted at Apr.20 2007, next day of birthday of God of Polar. One of the cup is attaching the skirt of table rather than on the ground. In Taiwan popular religion, mostly Taoist, "Show Cup" is to show god's hint by prayer's show in front of god. One positive one negative means O.K., two positive means" willlllllll....", two negative means "wait.........", and the cup not on the ground but standing or attached to table skirt means "Miracle".In this picture, is at 7 o'clock of table skirt(marked by yellowish line).The "Stand cup" means some kinds of God's minds or hints, and must be interpretated via another procedures to know what is God's will.
Every lunar March 3th is birthday of God of Polar, Pei-Gi-Shuan-Tien-Shan-Di. The gods of nearboring are join to the Birthday Eve Party, there are Chin-Shuei Temple,Chou-Tze,Tsoying(左營洲仔清水宮)., Pao-An Temple,Fu-Ding-Gin,Kaohsiung(高雄市鼎金保安宮)., Tong-An Temple, Ker-Tze-Liao, Tze-Guan Hsian,Kaohsiung County(高雄縣梓官鄉蚵仔寮通安宮)., Yuan-Shuai Fu et San-Shan-Gou-Wang Fu, Yo-Chang, Nan-Tze(高雄市右昌元帥府與三山國王府).,Chia-Cheu Temple, Chia-Kum, Tze-Guan Hsian(梓官鄉赤崁赤慈宮).,Cheu-Chi Temple, Tsoying(左營慈濟宮) Fon-Gu Temple, Tsai-Gon, Tsoying(左營菜公豐谷宮)