Sunday, March 18, 2007

Escorting the god to "treat"謝丁福 黃漏嘆二位護送神祇去"增神"

For the mild injury at right hand to the God of Vision of Thousands Miles ( Chian-Li-Yen, an associated god in right of Matsu 千里眼 ), Mr.Hsieh and Huang are escorting the god to repair, called 'Tsen-Shen"( 增神), improving the godhood

謝丁福 黃漏嘆二位先生 護送千里眼尊神 去"增神" 因為 祂的右手受到損傷也 在左營三甲巷

old photos of Tsoying左營的舊照 見證蔣氏政權的無知

About Tsoying, almost old photos are related to such scene as Ban-Ping-Shan and Spring-Autumn-Pagoda. The hill( Ban-Ping-Shan) at background is destroyed by dictators Chiang Kai Sheik and his son when KMT occupying Taiwan since 1945. From enviromental protection, it is a permanent record of the tyrant,brutal Chiangs, until now.

左營的舊照 常常是春秋閣與半屏山的影像 50年代 它幾乎就是台灣的代表 "logo" 在蔣介石與其兒子的殘酷統治台灣下 半屏山被挖了一大半 也因此 這樣的歷史的影像永遠記載了 蔣氏政權如何摧殘台灣 凡走過必留下痕跡

20061015的照片 "蓮池潭與北極亭"圖中 半屏山已經成了"半個"半屏山 可惡 可悲 可恨 20070325的近照

左營區公所 是典型的日式建築

照片翻拍自"左營區元帝路 王清瑞先生餐廳 舊名梅珍"

Monday, March 05, 2007

Lantern Festival(Yuan-Shiao Night) at Tsoying-05左營的元宵夜

鮮花香案隊 嘍囉班 與大鼓鑼隊 都是 繞境的參與者 左營的神祇 比擬真人大小者 有 城隍尊神 慈濟宮的保生大帝 此頁 顯示二者之座轎 與一般者不同

Lantern Festival(Yuan-Shiao Night) at Tsoying-04左營的元宵夜

The sedaner is tired. They relief their shirts in warmed winter night and many local residents regard such a parade as an entertaiment, they are seat at front of Yuan-Di Temple.神轎的轎夫 累了 敞開上衣 不怕暖冬的夜間 猶有涼意
大廟前的階梯 是看熱鬧的好地方 余永吉先生是不會放過的

Lantern Festival(Yuan-Shiao Night) at Tsoying-03左營的元宵夜

God of Birth Team: the sedan is held by female for the god is female( but how about the Godof Madam Mom GMM, or God of Saint Heaven GSH-God of Sea-天上聖母)

God of General Fan Team: General Fan and Hsieh are assistant of God of Castle, a new team consist of young aged child

Lantern Festival(Yuan-Shiao Night) at Tsoying-02左營的元宵夜

The parade in that night including as

Sedans: every god on one's sedan by the belivers with marvelous decorations.

Lion Team: an artificial lion with head and tail with protective guns, swords,and .......

Big Drum team:a new style parade, may be influence by Mainlad China, esp. Shan-Xi, northern China

Lantern Festival(Yuan-Shiao Night) at Tsoying-01左營的元宵夜

Lantern Festival, High Moon Night, Firsat Moon Day or Yuan-Shiao Day, is every lunar Jan. 15. Almost whole the Taiwan is exciting on that night of different styles. Tsoying, too, is the Gods around the district area. The every gods have their sedan held by their believers in a parade. There is little change this year, actually, every year have little changes.元宵節 全台灣各地 都有不同形式的慶祝活動 尤其晚間更是到達高峰 又名"燈節" 左營的慶祝活動 是以夜間神祇繞境活動 為主軸 年復一年 除了參與的人的臉孔改變外 神祇 神轎的外觀也有改變 這項 傳自唐朝的"全民運動"也因為 時地的不同 有了 不同的內涵 此處呈現者 多為 左營元帝廟前的掠影 因為 它是左營人的"大廟"( main temple)