Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gods from Keelung to Tsoying 基隆天闕九重天宮眾神祈到左營

The Yuan-Di Temple, YDT, is visited almost whole the year by the gods around Taiwan, this is kinds of interchanging not only gods and gods, but between human being. The gods from Keelung are the example, on the tour they are visited the famous Tsen-An Gon,Ma-Ming Shan, Bao-Chong Hsian, Yun-Lin(雲林褒忠馬鳴山鎮安宮)when they are visiting Tsoying, then the YDT is the must point.Here, the folk religion of Tong-Chi(童乩) is showing their greeting to the gods of YDT.Another pages I will show you the instruments of Tong-Chi when they are at the conditions representatives as a God.

Happy birthday, Tai-Tze-Ya( Prince God 太子爺生日快樂)

Prince God( PG,Tai-Tze-Ya 太子爺 又稱 中壇元帥),who's birthday is lunnar Sept.9 and same as Oct. 30 2006. There are two prominent PGs of Tsoying, first is the PG of 1 st-Chia who is sacred public at Fen-Gu Gon(豐谷宮 一甲 太子爺) , the other is main god of Tien-Fu Gon(天府宮 主祀神 中壇元帥) who is intially a protective-god of Ko( 柯家守護神), and now going to be public for everybody.
In Taiwan, there are two most famous PGs, one is at Tai-Tze Gon, Hsin-Ying, Tainan( 台南縣新營市太子宮), the other is at Kaohsiung,Three House, San-Fen Gon(高雄市三民區三鳳宮) 農曆九月九日 重陽節 敬老節 也是三太子 太子爺 李那吒 中壇元帥的生日 左營 比較有名的中壇元帥有二 其一 就是豐谷宮的一甲太子爺 另一為 天府宮的太子爺 後者原為柯家家廟 現已 逐漸走向公眾化 台灣的太子爺為主神的信仰廟宇 有名的是 台南縣新營市太子宮 及 高雄市三民區的三鳳宮 其他 散於民間宮廟者 到處可見 目前 廟會活動時的神童出巡 大抵源自於此

Friday, October 20, 2006

Been a God,HM CHU, part IV,王爺入神

The BAE act as anti-plaque god at first. Now, he is not only the god as hygiene prevention, but acting as an police, or detective,or agent as CIA , FBI...etc. The title as Patrol Representative of Heaven (PRH,代天巡狩) of all HMs mean his duty including to dispose everything that people are hard todo.Accordingly, there are assistant gods in front of the BAE, a similar situation to the God of Castle(城隍爺). But some author point out that is against the ordinary principle. In my opinion, this is a folk religion,native belief, and not against anything. I respect such a style and love it's pure true origional mind.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Been a God,HM CHU, part III,王爺入神

Most of the BAE,Wan-Yea(王爺) of Taiwan are derived from Nan-Kun-Shen( 南鯤鮴) Pei-Men Hsian, Tainan County, so is the 4 th Chia HM Chu, Yuan-Di Temple,Tsoying. It is said there are more than 300 BAEs on the History. Of them, the most prominent are Wu-Hu-Chian-Shuei( five His Majesties五府千歲), namely Li, Che, Wu, Chu,Fan( 李 池 吳 朱 范). HM Chu is ranged as 4 th, and also a Guardian Angel of people of 4 th-Chia of Tsoying. There are three HM Chu of this temple,ranged as First, Second, Three. The First HM Chu is localized at the temple, called Zen-Dian Wan( 鎮殿王) The Second called Patrol Wan(巡訪王) The Third called Chin-Shi Wan( 請示王) is for interpretation the questions. Here is the procedure of Third HM Chu been a God.
大部分的台灣王爺 都源於台南縣北門鄉南鯤身的代天府 在該處 五府千歲就是李 池 吳 朱 范 五尊神祇 左營四甲眾弟子供奉的朱府千歲 也是由彼處分香而來
現在的左營朱府千歲 共有三尊 分別為大王(鎮殿王) 二王( 出巡王)三王(請示王) 各有所司 本系列 呈現者是 三王成為神祇的過程

Been a God,HM CHU, part II,王爺入神

In Taiwan, the belief of Wan-Yea( 王爺, an equivalence to "Brother of an Emperor", BAE) is wide, mostly along the South-Western Seashore. It is said that BAE is a controller, or management of plague, means the god can destroyed the plagues. According to Prof.Liu, C-W., and Prof.Lin, M-S, the belief of BAE should refeered to Chou Dynasty, actually it is frequently referred to Trang Dynasty,i.e the Emperor Li, Shih-Ming's story about a few literary men who devote their life to people.
王爺信仰 在台灣很普遍 尤其是 台灣西南沿海 盛況不亞於媽祖出巡
傳說中的王爺 乃是管理瘟疫之神 原是唐太宗時 的文人 為挽救百姓而犧牲自己 被追封為神者

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

1 st to 6 th-Chia Lane, modern face of ancient Tsoying's lane 左營的舊巷現貌

the following photos are 1 st-Chia Lane to 6th Lane, a new face of old lane of Tsoying.
The 1 st is at front of Tsoying Police Branch, Kaohsiung Police Department
The 2 nd is at lane , , now
The 3 rd is at 422 lane, Tsoying Da Road, now
The 4 th is just at left side of Yuan-Di Temple, now
The 5 th is at left side of Shen-Gon Small Temple, now
The 6th is at left side of Che-Chi Temple, now
下面簡介 左營的一甲巷到六甲巷 七甲巷是原來就不存在的
一甲巷 在左營警察分局對面 二甲巷 在今左營大路 巷
三甲巷 在今左營大路 422巷 四甲巷 就是元帝廟右側 五甲巷 就是 今聖公廟旁 六甲巷 在慈德宮(店仔頂廟)左側

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yuan-Di Temple and Shen-Nong Temple, Tsoying

The ancient Tsoying is divided into 7-Chias( Chia, 甲, a section of people living together), namely 1st- to 7th-Chia. The people dedicate their god in different Chia.
The following as:

1 st Chia-- Tai-Zhe-Yea(太子爺 God of third Prince, Le,Lo-Chiea), at Shen-Nong Temple (Fong-Gu)Temple
2 nd Chia--Fu-Jen-Ma( 夫人媽 god as Madam Mother), at Yuan-Di Temple
3 rd Chia--Tu-Di-Gon(土地公 god of Land),at Yuan-Di Temple
4 th Chia--Wan-Yea-Gon(王爺公 朱府千歲 His Majesty Chu),at Yuan-Di Temple
5 th Chia--Er-Shan-Di( 玄天二上帝 the second god of polar star), at Yuan-Di Temple
6 th Chia--Matsu( 媽祖 Matsu, the worldwide famous sea god), at Che-Chi Temple
7 th Chia--Chen-Fu-Gon( god of Land,too, at the front of North Gate, Old Castle) at Chen- Fu Temple
the ancient Tsoying, then separated their gods in different districts as well as lanes, and sacred themselves. According to the development of progression, the differentiation growing dull, however, the lanes still discernible from 1 st to 6th-Chia Lane. Most of them is hard to identified now. In this page, the temples are present. The next pages will show the lanes, now.

The brief history of Tsoying Yuan-Di Temple

The Yuan-Di Temple of Tsoying, is a belief center since late 17 century. There are tales about the origin, but the official is the tablet,where the record is ordinary. In this page, I will show you about the temple. The Daoists here is on the ceremony of Chong-Yuan-Pu-Du.

Tsoying, the historic town of Taiwan History

It is now the Tsoying Carnival 2006, from Oct 14 to Oct 22, in the memory of 180 years of the Old Castle. This website is to introduce Tsoying in every aspects, from geograhy, history , culture , to the elite of it. And, at first I will pay my prayer to my ancient's gods.God of polar star( GPS,Shun-Tian-Shan-Di 玄天上帝), His Majesty Chu( HMC,Chu-Hu-Chien-Shuei, Wan-Yea 朱府千歲 ). At the high postion is statue as GPS, and his left side is HMCs