Tuesday, October 23, 2007


20071021萬年季第五年活動 進入尾聲 由左營地區及鄰近公私機構組成之繞境隊伍 在把火獅送達勝利路口"飛天"後 完滿結束 來年再見


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

消失的軍港鐵路 The disappear of Military Railroad of Tsoying

軍港線鐵路由此西向到達軍港 圖的左側是"蛇山"的一部份
左圖是左營軍港線鐵路 在鼓山三路進入左營處 右側就是"蛇山"的一部份

軍港線鐵路由臺鐵左營站起 到左營軍港止 左圖 是沿線 現已拆除成為道路 遠處為果貿社區 橫的就是鼓山三路

消失的軍港線鐵路 可能是臺灣唯一的 位於高雄市鼓山三路進入左營大路之處 它的起點是臺鐵左營站 終點就是左營軍港 1938 年 日本人把萬丹港擴建作南進基地時 開始建設 1970年代 廢止 原線成為果貿社區之一部份 左圖是舊城南門(啟文門)與附近之消防分隊 鐵路原止就是橫跨之人行道

Thursday, October 04, 2007

左營林家 Tsoying Lin Family

以下是 採自以下網止



註2:"亞元"的匾額 曾在1957年整修過 主要是"亞"字的下橫 用現代的檜木 補過 此額因故 現在下落未明 希望持有者能歸位


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tsoying Yuan Shen Hau Lin Family 台灣國高雄市左營源盛號林家

左營源盛號林家 是祭祀公業 他的原始始祖 可以追朔到清朝乾隆時代

始祖 林公舉養 自福建漳州 來臺灣謀生 落籍左營 綿延至今已有將近三百年 子子孫孫 至少有十代以上了 其祖廟 位於高雄市左營區左營大路361巷 因為時代變遷 祖廟現在只剩前落 與後座 矣(待續)

Monday, August 27, 2007

The taoists are prayer on ChungYuanPuDu Ceremony

This is ChungYuanPuDu of Yuan-Di Temple,Tsoying,Kaohsiung,Taiwan 左營元帝廟中元普渡時 道士們的唸經 作法之段落

Sunday, August 26, 2007

20070821 元帝廟中元普渡祭典


恆例 每年農曆七月九日(即2007 08 21) 是台灣高雄 左營元帝廟 中元普渡之日

當夜 隸屬一甲 二甲之信眾 備祭品 於豐谷宮 三甲 四甲 五甲之信眾 則備祭品 於元帝廟 祭拜之 今年適逢 聖帕颱風過後 仍有細雨 (好像 常常是這樣 給中元普渡夜 有類似 孟德爾頌的"仲夏夜之夢"的感覺)

It is regular that the ceremony of ChungYuanPuDu (Mid-Lunar July Festival)
of Yuan-Di Temple, Tsoying,Kaohsiung,Taiwan is performed. This is the night at Aug. 21 2007.The taoists are main , then the people are the following. It is soon after typhoon No.8 (SEPT), the remaining rains still irrigated.However, it is a feeling like the" midsummer night" of Felix Mendelsshon's famous music.The last is the taoist spreading the foods, coins to the people means to the souls.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Goddess of Giving Birth 恭賀 註生娘娘生日快樂

Eevery lunar March 20(as May 6 2007) is Birthday of Goddess of Giving Birth GGB.Inside the Chen-Huang Temple, there are many ceremonies performed. In Taiwan, the believe of GGB is more popular than Matsu, and almost every temples are performing GGB as regular god. The Chen-Huang Temples around Taiwan are more prominent, so is the Tsoying's. 農曆三月二十日是註生娘娘的壽辰 左營的舊城城隍廟也有各式各樣的慶祝活動 分出各地的分身也多有回鑾

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yuan-Di Temple's miracle元帝廟的"立筊"奇蹟

The miracle of "stand cup" is noted at Apr.20 2007, next day of birthday of God of Polar. One of the cup is attaching the skirt of table rather than on the ground. In Taiwan popular religion, mostly Taoist, "Show Cup" is to show god's hint by prayer's show in front of god. One positive one negative means O.K., two positive means" willlllllll....", two negative means "wait.........", and the cup not on the ground but standing or attached to table skirt means "Miracle".In this picture, is at 7 o'clock of table skirt(marked by yellowish line).The "Stand cup" means some kinds of God's minds or hints, and must be interpretated via another procedures to know what is God's will.

元帝廟的"立筊" 就在上帝爺公生日的次日 此筊附於"桌圍"的七點鐘方向(以黃線圈出)

民間傳說 這樣的神跡 通常是吉兆 或神明有指示 要藉由另外的程序請示.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy birthday God of Polar上帝爺公生日快樂

Every lunar March 3th is birthday of God of Polar, Pei-Gi-Shuan-Tien-Shan-Di. The gods of nearboring are join to the Birthday Eve Party, there are Chin-Shuei Temple,Chou-Tze,Tsoying(左營洲仔清水宮)., Pao-An Temple,Fu-Ding-Gin,Kaohsiung(高雄市鼎金保安宮)., Tong-An Temple, Ker-Tze-Liao, Tze-Guan Hsian,Kaohsiung County(高雄縣梓官鄉蚵仔寮通安宮)., Yuan-Shuai Fu et San-Shan-Gou-Wang Fu, Yo-Chang, Nan-Tze(高雄市右昌元帥府與三山國王府).,Chia-Cheu Temple, Chia-Kum, Tze-Guan Hsian(梓官鄉赤崁赤慈宮).,Cheu-Chi Temple, Tsoying(左營慈濟宮) Fon-Gu Temple, Tsai-Gon, Tsoying(左營菜公豐谷宮)