Monday, November 13, 2006


聖公廟很迷你 卻也有土地公(福德正神)座鎮 更炫的是這土地公也有自己的神轎 圖中神轎兩翼 均有"符令"貼注 可任人取之 有護身保平安的效果 另圖 是聖公聖婆(?)的儀容
這是全台唯一具相的"有應公" 很希罕的 The temple of Saint Gon (SG) is minimal in outer feature, but still there is GOL( god of land, Tu-Di-Gon 土地公), and the GOL have had private sedan. There are god-provide documents on bilateral side of the sedan of GOL, which is provide for whom want to be a protection for personal and/or whole family. Another pictures to show the real face of Saint-Gon( Saint Grandpa) and Saint-Po(Saint Grandma, his wife). This is the only statues of Yo-In-Gon( God of reward when request 有應公 ,有求必應) exclusively in Taiwan.

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